I’d like to make two suggestions however you do not need to do this to play the game.
1.Inside the Sniper – Art of Victory gamefolder, navigate to the Data folder and open VideoSettings.src with your favorite text editor. On the 16th line you will see the word ‘resolution’ Change the numbers in the brackets to whatever you preferred screen resolution may be.
Mac | City Interactive | Navarre | Wineskin | 97.88MB
“Widescreen Gaming Forums” wrote:
==Supported resolutions==
List of widescreen resolutions the game successfully ran at: 1280×720, 1280×768, 1440×900, 1920×1080, 1920×1200
List of widescreen resolutions that were not tested: 2560×1600
List of widescreen resolutions the game fails to run at: 1280×800 and 1680×1050! 1280×1024 does also work and is the only way to increase your FOV (vertically).
2.Inside the Sniper Art of Victory gamefolder, navigate to the Data > Localized Data folder and delete the 3 mpg movies that are there. Wine can not play .mpg movies for some reason, wether it has the proper codec in wrapper or not….these are what cause the long black screen delay before the intro menu. Delete these and save yourself 45 seconds on every start up.
System Requirements
OS version: 10.6
Processor type(s) & speed: Core Solo
RAM minimum: 512
Video RAM: 128
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